Who are they?
ByBox are a major distribution company that have moved into the development of software. They are based in the UK, but have a significant presence globally.
The Project (Feb 2017 – May 2018)
ByBox make a smart locker product – a large secure cabinet that is based outside a corporate office that can be opened by an authorised smartphone.
Deliveries can be made to the locker by couriers who use the “Stockonnect” app to open the door, night or day without any interaction from the client’s staff. Then, the recipient of the delivery can go to the smart locker (at a convenient time) to pick up their parcel , opening it with their smartphone with the Stockonnect app installed.
Initially my role was to create training materials for a train-the-trainer scenario in the UK only, but it quickly became apparent that they would need versions for each of the countries in which they had a presence.
Initially I developed a simulator for my SME in the UK to carry out training and I delivered the first sessions remotely to help him understand how to use it.
There were several use cases:
- Carriers: using Stockonnect from a smartphone to deliver and pickup packages
- Engineers: using Stockonnect from a smartphone to collect packages they’ve ordered or decided to return
- Admin Dashboard Users: using Stockonnect on a computer from it’s web app interface to manage the processes
They already had a design look and feel so I re-created these images in Illustrator so that they could be used as larger versions in my training materials, (and diagrams like the one above).
In addition to Simulators, I also created a series of reminder videos (using Adobe Captivate) and a set of Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) for the shorter processes.
The QRGs were very popular with Couriers as they needed a PDF they could print and take with them. The demo videos were more popular with the office-based Admin users.
Once the English versions were complete, I then developed all the QRGs and demo videos in 8 other languages, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Japanese, Dutch and Flemish. The translation text was supplied by an external company.
For this project, in total I created 137 demo videos, 155 QRGs and 38 simulators across the 15 months of the project.
Here are a few examples, starting with a QRG for Collecting a Package...
Collecting-a-PackageA demo video example, showing how Admin Users created orders for items to be delivered. They were designed to this shape so they could be shown on one half of the screen of the user (they all had single wide-screen monitors).
An example QRG – the Japanese version of the one above, “Collecting a Package“…
Collecting-a-Package-JapaneseBear in mind that this is just an extract of the work I created for this project, you can contact me to see the full portfolio.