Recommendations & Testimonials

Here are some of things, people who have worked with me before have said:

Paul Binding, Project Manager specialising in Business Change, Eversheds LLP

1 Nov 2016

Dave is a highly professional Trainer who helped me to deliver numerous projects at Eversheds ranging from case management systems to digital dictation solutions.

Dave has a fantastic work ethic and his depth of Training knowledge, approaches and techniques make him an invaluable member of any project team. He is a pleasure to work with and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him as a Trainer or Training Consultant!


Dina Patel, IT Training Consultant at Eversheds LLP

10 Jun 2016

As an IT Training Consultant I have known and worked with Dave in his role as an IT Training Manager and now as a Design Consultant, for the last 5 years.

In that time he has shown dedication, trust and dependability that any employer would love to have in their company. He has been an inspirational mentor in many ways, continually providing guidance and motivation to exceed your expectations.

Dave is very creative in his work and quite often thinks out the box in order to find a solution or improve the way we work. His attention to detail and ability to mentor & coach a team of professionals is second to none, this is why he always delivered. Dave has always supported and encouraged the team to learn new talents, Dave’s ingenious skills in content creation has been passed on to the team, allowing us to build confidence in creating training material using Adobe Captivate, SnagIt Editor, MS Publisher and Photoshop.

The respect with which Dave is treated (in and out of work) is testament to someone who leaves an invaluable impression when they leave. Dave’s glass is always half full, never gives up and always has a smile on his face. A truly special individual with so much to offer.

Ewa Taszlinska, Transformation Project Coordinator at Eversheds LLP

3 Jun 2016

Dave offers invaluable help with supporting projects in creating new training and promotional material. He always keeps the ultimate outcome in mind and advises accordingly to ensure the deliverables are fit for purpose. Dave has a lot of experience in his area and is very creative which makes working with him very effective.

Highly recommend Dave’s services.

Debbie Greenwood, IT Training Manager at McCarthy and Stone plc

18 Feb 2013

Dave is a highly professional IT Trainer who creates imaginative training courses and material. I always found Dave to be very supportive and worked well as part of the team or an individual.

He was highly regarded by people of all levels and you could always guarantee a job well done when Dave was given the task.

Mike Ames, Business Growth Consultant at Flair

15 Dec 2010

I did the Keynote at the Eversheds IT conference and Dave was asked to help me. He did a fantastic job which encompassed a couple of animated videos (you heard me right), PowerPoint expertise and huge amounts of support and help on the day.

Thanks Dave and I hope we can work together again in the future.