Messing with your Start Menu…

Shomi the robot holding Start Menu tiles

…sometimes you need to switch things round a bit!

The Windows Start Menu is often overlooked. There is so much you can do to get it organised so it suits you really well.

Of course, you either click in the bottom-left corner or press the Windows key to see the Start menu:

Win key

Here are a few things to remember…

You can change the size of the Start Menu…

…by dragging the top edge:

sizing the Windows Start Menu


Adding new icons is easy…

You can scroll through your left-hand menu until you find an item you want to add to the Start Menu, then you right-click it, and click Pin to Start.

adding an icon to the start menu


Deleting icons from the Start Menu is also easy…

It’s really the same as above, but after a right-click you select Unpin from Start.

Unpinning an icon from the Start Menu


You can create groups of icons and name them…

To do this, drag a tile icon to a new area until a block of colour appears, then drop it to form a group.

creating a group for the start menu

Click above it and give the group a name…

naming a group on Windows Start


You can re-size a tile icon…

Tiles can small, medium, wide and large (although not all tiles can be set to large)…

Different sizes of tile icons on the Start menu

You can size a tile icon by right-clicking it and then selecting the size from the Resize option…

re-sizing an icon

Here’s a video showing all these lovely things you can do with your Windows Start menu…

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